Finally, I'm done with my OJT. I've completed it last Thursday and I can say that the experience they gave me was the most awesome one. Before, one of my classmates advised us not to apply in an IT company, good thing, I did not follow him. Working with the IT Easy team was fun. It was like everyone's treated equally. You cannot even differentiate whose the boss. It's like everyone's friends with everyone.
In my 2 months stay there, I was tasked to do UATs where in I have to search for errors in the website their developing. Also, when done with the UAT thingy, I was also given time to learn on my own on programming, HTML and PHP particularly. I admit that I only enjoyed the first part of programming and when the hard part comes, I almost spent the day just staring on my screen.
Some of the things I learned there: One is that if it's your birthday, it's just a happy birthday for you. I've grown up every time that it's my birthday, I'm exempted for the household chores. Life's really different when you're earning money on your own.; Another is that you can PASTE on command prompt. I remember our professor way back told us that it's not possible to copy and paste on it. But when I asked for help on one of my sirs, he did it. I was so shocked that I felt ashamed because I even restrained him from doing it because as far as my knowledge is concerned, it is IMPOSSIBLE.
Some of the things I learned there: One is that if it's your birthday, it's just a happy birthday for you. I've grown up every time that it's my birthday, I'm exempted for the household chores. Life's really different when you're earning money on your own.; Another is that you can PASTE on command prompt. I remember our professor way back told us that it's not possible to copy and paste on it. But when I asked for help on one of my sirs, he did it. I was so shocked that I felt ashamed because I even restrained him from doing it because as far as my knowledge is concerned, it is IMPOSSIBLE.
I remember the day before our first day, I was so nervous that I may not be able to get along well with the employees. My first impression was that they're well-behaved during working hours. Well, it's true, only on our first two weeks, I guess. Then I became comfortable especially that there are other OJTs working. During lunch breaks, they cannot stop me from laughing. I don't even know why I find it funny whatever they're saying. While in my first week, when something's funny, I just whisper it to my friend and laugh silently.
They even made fun of us or just me? Some of the employees love to piss me off. They even mimic my laugh and it's so irritating. LOL. One of the bosses even suggested on recording my laugh because according to him, "we'll surely miss your laugh". But they did not, My friends also planned on recording it but never succeeded. HAHAHA. The HR manager also gave us a prophecy that in 10 years, that my friend and me will be together as couples. The moment she said that, deep inside my thoughts, "eeeewwwwww, how could that happen, were searching for the same thing (he's gay, but doesn't really open about it)".
I love the employees, but there is always, at least, one whom you'll hate. I actually don't hate her, but I'm irritated by her presence. It's like she knew everything. Everyday, there's a new trivia during lunch and I was like, "do I care?". She even gave me tips on reducing my weight. Like, DUH!, I won't even believe her, She's even bigger than me and she's advising me like that. Who would believe her? I know, I'm rude but it's not only me. When working hours is done and get off the office together with our other OJTmate, she's always one of our topic. HAHAHAH. I know there's a possibility of her reading this, but I DO NOT CARE!
Our last week there was spent well. We've taken a lot of pictures and treated them pizza on our last day.
But honestly, I'm not missing the office. It feels like that I can breathe again after that two months. It's so great waking up not worrying if you're late or have you done whatever you're asked to do.
My place is in front of the pantry. How do you expect me to be productive? Jk. :))
Our failed attempt of a jumpshot. :))
Me at their house, which is not so messy considering that they are boys. *please take note of the sarcasm*
I really find this picture funny. Can you imagine the one with his hands in the air is one of the big bosses? HAHAHA.
It's our dream ever since we started, to use two monitors. They made our dream come true. LOL. :))
Our pizza treat on our last day.
A picture of the soft copy of my cerificate.
Together with the other OJTs with our certificates. :))
With our supervisors. We finally have one decent picture. Every time we try to have a picture of just the four of us, there's always a hindrance. HAHAHA. :))
The IT Easy family. <3
I look like a thief in here. HAHAHAHA.
I hope the next time we visit the office, we'll see some of our pictures on their photo wall.
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