I've finally managed to create a bucketlist. People say that when you create something like this, is that you're nearing death. So there's at least one or two that I'm sure I'll never achieve/have. HAHAHA. :))
- Get a Polaroid Camera.
- Watch Maroon5 or The Script LIVE.
- Backpack to Europe.
- Own a pair of Wedge Sneakers.
- Experience Rio Carnival in Brazil.
- Learn how to skate.
- Dye my hair in a crazy color.
- Spend the night in an igloo.
- Live in an apartment downtown in Manhattan.
- Lay on my back and watch the clouds all day.
- Spend a holiday somewhere exotic.
- Disneyland.
- Go to another country as an exchange student.
- Create my own adventure book.
- Ride on a camel.
- Cover my bedroom walls with lights, pictures, and lyrics.
- Party in Vegas with my bestfriends.
- Jump into a waterfall.
- Meet the Pretty Little Liars.
- Meet Michael Cera, Alex Pettyfer or Channing Tatum.
- Work at an ice cream store.
- Spend the night at a lakehouse.
- Travel the WORLD.
I've finally managed to create a bucketlist. People say that when you create something like this, is that you're nearing death. So there's at least one or two that I'm sure I'll never achieve/have. HAHAHA. :))
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